Stream of Thought on Food, Mindfulness, and Being Human


Stream of Thought on Food, Mindfulness, and Being Human

To start off, I should probably be extreme and only eat whole foods that will get me off the ground. I don’t have to worry about anybody else, and others can eat whatever they want.

I think my whole life I’ve had this misconception that food and being human is all about enjoying the taste of food. But what I think I’m coming to realize is that in this age where we have plentiful food, we need to be mindful about what we put in our bodies and choose to eat foods that are whole, unprocessed, and close to the earth.

This is because if the food you eat causes more suffering for yourself than it adds, then you should have nothing to do with it.

However, being human and celebrating are times when it’s OK to eat what you want, especially when you don’t have a choice and someone is offering you food. If somebody’s offering you food, that is the most human thing there is — when somebody offers you food, you take it and enjoy it, especially if it tastes really good.

Now, I have to make a plan in order to stick with this because if I don’t, I’m probably just going to revert to my old self and eat what I crave, which is the stuff that kills me.

This plan involves eating food that is closer to the earth, mostly plants, and with minimal added sugar, if not zero added sugar. I can eat whole, unprocessed meats that are as organic as possible and treated as humanely as possible.

I’m not going to bother anybody else about my diet, and I’m not going to tell anybody about my diet unless they ask. Anyone else, specifically my wife, can eat what they want; it’s up to them to make the same choices and come to the same realization.

However, if my wife offers me food, I will not refuse it outright. I will take a few bites just to experience the human connection.

When I’m not feeling good, I need to remember that my feelings are just a suggestion. If my feelings tell me to talk or tell somebody what to do to make myself feel better, I should just keep quiet.

When I’m not feeling good, it is especially important to listen to others, my body, and the world. Listen, don’t talk.

Maybe I should start a blog, not to preach my ideas to others, but simply to write them down, so whoever wants to read it can read it.